The driving education application for the year 2025 displays in audio and video all driving education series, Code Rosso, in Morocco.
All driving education series in Morocco are specifically present to help all drivers who are about to pass the driving license exam with the correct answers and it works without the Internet.
Sya9a application is available on:
42 Rousseau code series with questions asked on the day of the driver’s license test
All traffic signals, including:
The ban ends
Compulsion ends
More than 20 theoretical lessons in the form of questions and answers, including:
Car lights lessons (position lights, intersection lights, road lights..)
Standing and pausing lessons
Lessons on the right of precedence
And more rules and lessons of the driving education code in PDF format
The new traffic code with a comprehensive explanation of it.
More than 35 situations that can occur on the day of the driving license exam, and a full explanation of how to deal with them
The driving education application is easy to use, simple and with an elegant design that ensures you make the most of driving series and lessons, whether the Rousseau code or the applied driving exam.